Monday, August 31, 2015

I am a Consulting Building Surveyor and inspect houses every day of my working life. How my building inspection working life has lasted so long (over 22 years) is a miracle considering the shocking state of household electrical wiring in Perth.

My reports are recognised as being those of a "competent person".

"EnergySafety has recognised your reports as being of a competent person as described in the AS/NZS 3000:2007 “Wiring Rules” amnd2 Clause 1.4.30

Bruce Whitehouse
Electrical Inspector Specialist
Safety Health & Environment
Western Power


Approximately 98% of all houses over 5 years old that I inspect have at least one unsafe electrical defect, predominantly in the roof space.

"Unsafe defects" include:

* unenclosed joints
* lighting fittings not installed with the minimal clearances to combustible materials /default/files/atoms/files/energy_bulletin_67.pdf

* wiring which is not fixed, which is readily accessible and is therefore exposed to mechanical damage
* deteriorated VIR and TRS wiring.

 The chances of your home having one or more of these unsafe defects is very very high, and who is going to tell you about that?

No worries you say, any licensed electrician who has been or will be in my roof space will tell me about these!

Don't bet on it.  In my experience the majority of unsafe defects that I have seen are in readily accessible, visible areas where an electrician has been recently and he has not reported to the Owner, or the Supplier.

Further, and unbelievably I have recently had to contradict an Inspector from Western Power about what constitutes an unsafe defect, before he inspected a property that I had reported on. I also had to bring this to the attention of EnergySafety.

"I have just purchased a property and the Owner gave me a Safety Certificate supplied by his electrician, therefore the property is electrically safe". Don't bet on it!

A Safety Certificate is not a statement that the house electrical wiring installation is safe. It is merely a statement that some work done by an electrician is compliant. Furthermore, I have seen numerous Safety Certificates issued, and the actual work done by the electrician who then issued the Certificate, is unsafe, especially at the sale of a house where rcd's and smoke detectors have to be installed. I have seen numerous Safety Certificates that cover the work done by that electrician, but completely ignores plain-to-see unsafe defects.

So What?

1. Licensed electricians are failing in their duty of care
2. EnergySafety and Western Power are under-resourced to inspect established houses on a programmed basis
3. Your home insurance may be compromised if there are unsafe defects in your home
4. Never get into your roof space, or allow anyone else in the roof space without turning off the Mains switch.
5. Never allow a Realtor to place a REIWA Australian Standard Structural Defects Annexure in your Special Conditions when you want a building inspection done as pert of the Conditions. Even though any competent Building Inspector will still report of electrical safety hazards, the Realtor and the Seller may think that such information is NOT part of the Contract. N.B. Unsafe electrical defects must be reported and must be remedied by the Owner, by Law.
6. Always get a full Electrical Safety Inspection included in your Special Conditions when buying a home. How to choose a competent licensed electrician? Buggered if I know! All I can suggest is that you go to and then click on the "Looking for an electrician" window. This is the National Electrical and Communications Association.
7. Never personally undertake any electrical work on your property, it is illegal.

The Purpose of this Blog is not to bag all electricians; I know that there are some very competent tradesmen/women out there, but unfortunately they are few and far between.

If I can help to promote really competent licensed electricians, please give me suggestions as to how I might achieve that.

If you are as concerned as I am about the shocking state of household electrical wiring in Perth, please comment or contact the responsible Minister for the Dept. of Commerce which is responsible- The Honourable Michael Mischin.

Raymond Pears